Art Tickles: Far More Valuable Than Quarters
Taylor Hidalgo is glad Rock Band was never in arcades when he was growing up.

Art Tickles: A Stumbling Light in the Darkness
Taylor Hidalgo is a creature of strange, though intentional, noises.

Art Tickles: Digital Tourism
Taylor Hidalgo always packs (and actually wears) hideous Hawaiian shirts.

Art Tickles: The Empty Folding Chair
Taylor Hidalgo already misses what doesn’t even exist and can’t be lost.

Art Tickles: Chasing Butterflies
Taylor Hidalgo finds the things most worth chasing have the smallest rewards.

Art Tickles: Caught Between Worlds
Taylor Hidalgo battles continuously with his D6, and often loses.

Art Tickles: What Are You Doing?
Taylor Hidalgo finds his stories usually begin with poor dexterity and end in tears.

Art Tickles: Things That Go Bump
Taylor Hidalgo hears his doom coming, and it’s shaped like a colorful skeleton.

Art Tickles: There’s Nothing Out To Get You
Taylor Hidalgo feels entirely surrounded by nothing, and it’s terrifying.