Due Diligence: Assassin’s Creed Valhalla’s main character is a woman. So why’d Ubisoft put a dude on the cover?
Leigh Harrison expresses some animus of his own.

Due Diligence: The Mass Effect Andromeda Trilogy, Part VI: Colony Wars / Was It All Worth It?
Leigh Harrison hits the pub.

Due Diligence: The Mass Effect Andromeda Trilogy, Part V: Stuff Games 2: Electric Boogaloo
Leigh Harrison takes the big stage.

Due Diligence: The Mass Effect Andromeda Trilogy, Part IV: Space Guns
Leigh Harrison takes a moment to thank the space guns.

Due Diligence: The Mass Effect Andromeda Trilogy, Part III: Lost in the Wilderness
Leigh Harrison explores samey new worlds.

Due Diligence: The Mass Effect Andromeda Trilogy, Part II: All the World’s a Stage
Leigh Harrison explores the uncharted territory of just enjoying stuff.

Due Diligence: The Mass Effect Andromeda Trilogy, Part I: Nostalgia
Leigh Harrison revisits that ending.

Due Diligence: That time I watched a nine-year-old play Fortnite for a week
Leigh Harrison and the kid stuff.

Due Diligence: Kingdom Hearts II. What even is Kingdom Hearts?
Leigh Harrison has no mobs and he must grind.

Due Diligence: Chain of Memories, the Direct-To-Video Sequel
Leigh Harrison forgets to remember, to forget, something, something.