Embracing the Incomprehensible in Hylics
Heather Alexandra finds contentment in Mason Lindroth’s bizarre take on RPGs.
Art Tickles: A Stumbling Light in the Darkness
Taylor Hidalgo is a creature of strange, though intentional, noises.
Due Diligence: Putting the Pieces Back Together in Ether One
Leigh Harrison wonders what’s going on.
Storyplay: The Clashing Fantasies of Storytelling and Multiplayer
Melody wants us to tell each other stories.
Art Tickles: Digital Tourism
Taylor Hidalgo always packs (and actually wears) hideous Hawaiian shirts.
Off the Grid: Devil Survivor 2: Record Breaker
Allison Winters prefers when the stars were her projectors.
Art Tickles: The Empty Folding Chair
Taylor Hidalgo already misses what doesn’t even exist and can’t be lost.