Off the Grid: A Look Back at Assassin’s Creed, Part 3: Revelations
Lockesly Winters has learned nothing.
Due Diligence: Assassin’s Creed Valhalla’s main character is a woman. So why’d Ubisoft put a dude on the cover?
Leigh Harrison expresses some animus of his own.
Off the Grid: A Look Back at Assassin’s Creed, Part 2: Brotherhood
Lockesly Winters is a master of suppression.
Off the Grid: A Look Back at Assassin’s Creed, Part 1: Assassin’s Creed 2
Lockesly Winters is always feeling desynced.
Same Difference: The Economics of Game Buying Part 2
The Most factually accurate gift-shopping guide part 2.
The Scripted Sequence: A Slice of Life
How Assassin’s Creed has forgotten that it’s cool to be cruel. By Ethan Woods.