Games of 2014 concludes with Ether One, Garugol, Divinity: Original Sin, NEO Scavenger, and Shadowrun: Dragonfall.

Unrest, Three Fourths Home, With Those We Love Alive, Talks With My Mom, and Banished take us towards the end of week three.

Yet another five great games: Fract OSC, Dungeon of the Endless, Crypt of the Necrodancer, Oracle, and Bayonetta 2.

Combine The Wolf Among Us, The Walking Dead: Season 2, Electric Tortoise, The Fall and Broken Age to create today’s post.

Dark Souls 2, Gods Will Be Watching, Hoplite, Shovel Knight, and Luftrausers begin week three of our roundup.

Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor, Dragon Age: Inquisition, Wolfenstein: The New Order, Final Fantasy XIII: Lightning Returns, and South Park: The Stick of Truth in today’s assortment of games sporting colons in their title.

Crawl, Nidhogg, Jackbox Party Pack, Broforce, and Mount Your Friends are having a ball in today’s look to the past.

80 Days, Monument Valley, Threes!, Revolution 60, and Bomb Gaza in today’s pocket-sized retrospective.