The Other Screen: Writing History With Lightning
12 Years a Slave may not be Andrew Huntly’s favorite film of the year, but it is the most important. Spoilers.

The Other Screen: Ongoing Investigations
Why tribulations on the watching of watchmen remain watchable.

The Pain of Lara Croft
Andrew Huntly wonders when hurting protagonists means more than killing them.

The Other Screen: The Good, the Bad and the Bloodthirsty
Andrew Huntly recalls another medium struggling with the portrayal of violence.

Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring
Joel and Ellie’s year of survival and brutality made one of the most profound statements on violence in games. By Andrew Huntly.

The Other Screen: Deadites, Women and Chainsaws
How the remake of The Evil Dead tackled and overcame one of horror’s most infamous scenes. By Andrew Huntly.

The Other Screen: The Truth of The Matter
Zero Dark Thirty neither condones nor condemns. It simply tells. By Andrew Huntly.

The Rainbow Planet
With The Old Republic, Bioware fails to meet the standards it set for itself. Andrew Huntly reporting from Makeb.

The Other Screen: Marcy
Andrew Huntly sharing his personal favorite film of 2012, Martha Marcy May Marlene.

The Other Screen: Through That Lens
A look into the horrific and frequently disappointing history of faux-gonzo filmmaking. By Andrew Huntly.

An End, Once and for All
Mass Effect 3’s ending saw journalists fighting their own community. Andrew Huntly on where the debate went wrong.