2015: The Year of Bullet Hell
We’re bobbing and weaving today with Undertale, Dungeon Souls, Nuclear Throne, Assault Android Cactus, and The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth.

2015: The Year of RPGs
We’re going through old character sheets today with Shadowrun: Hongkong, Pillars of Eternity, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, Valkyria Chronicles, and Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel.

2015: The Year of Triple A
Destiny, Bloodborne, Splatoon, The Order: 1886, and Soma kick off our look back at 2015.

Games of 2014 (15/15)
Games of 2014 concludes with Ether One, Garugol, Divinity: Original Sin, NEO Scavenger, and Shadowrun: Dragonfall.

Games of 2014 (14/15)
Unrest, Three Fourths Home, With Those We Love Alive, Talks With My Mom, and Banished take us towards the end of week three.

Games of 2014 (13/15)
Yet another five great games: Fract OSC, Dungeon of the Endless, Crypt of the Necrodancer, Oracle, and Bayonetta 2.

Games of 2014 (12/15)
Combine The Wolf Among Us, The Walking Dead: Season 2, Electric Tortoise, The Fall and Broken Age to create today’s post.

Games of 2014 (11/15)
Dark Souls 2, Gods Will Be Watching, Hoplite, Shovel Knight, and Luftrausers begin week three of our roundup.

Games of 2014 (10/15)
Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor, Dragon Age: Inquisition, Wolfenstein: The New Order, Final Fantasy XIII: Lightning Returns, and South Park: The Stick of Truth in today’s assortment of games sporting colons in their title.

Games of 2014 (9/15)
Crawl, Nidhogg, Jackbox Party Pack, Broforce, and Mount Your Friends are having a ball in today’s look to the past.

Games of 2014 (8/15)
80 Days, Monument Valley, Threes!, Revolution 60, and Bomb Gaza in today’s pocket-sized retrospective.

Games of 2014 (7/15)
Our walk down memory lane continues with NaissanceE, The Long Dark, Eidolon, Secrets of Raetikon, and Hohokum.

Games of 2014 (6/15)
Out There, Cosmochoria, The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth, Sunless Sea, and Noir Syndrome take us into week two of listing games.

Games of 2014 (5/15)
Transistor, Curtain, Venus Meets Venus, Hurt Me Plenty, and Hatoful Boyfriend end week one of our retrospective.

Games of 2014 (4/15)
2014 in review with Glitchhikers, Outer Wilds, Beeswing, Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes, and Abyss Odyssey.