Due Diligence: Six Lads in the Woods
Press release: Superstar blogger/cultural maven Leigh Harrison to release long-awaited fourth videogame criticism anthology.
As the world teeters on the precipice of catastrophe, creativity remains our only viable act of defiance. Here, award-winning writer Leigh Harrison shares a work in progress poem from his upcoming anthology, My Mom Lives in the Cloud and Other Tales of Existential Torment. Using videogame narratives as canvas, the book examines radical new theories of compulsion and digital entertainment, delivered in verse for 5–11 year-olds.
In this extract, Leigh explores the moral implications of player control over both digital avatars and their adversaries. Taking a commonplace scenario from Assassin’s Creed Origins, he dismantles the internal logic used by the game to normalize virtual butchery, before allowing the scene to implode under the weight of its now inescapable preposterousness. As protagonist Bayek and other characters flail in the void, new meanings slowly emerge. They reframe our understanding not only of what it is to inhabit digital personas, but also how visceral the intersection between humanity and play can be.
Six lads in the woods
In a nook by a brook
Which runs silent and clear
(Through a forest of ladybugs, bats and deer
Lions and hippos and the odd beaver)
Sits a heartbroken man from a town known as Siwa.
Patient and strong and biding his time
His mind drifts to remember their terrible crime
As a shudder sets in he is filled up with dread:
His son
His son
His son is dead.
“My life, my love, my joy
Why did they take you, Khemu,
My sweet little boy?”
A storm, a temple, a glistening knife
All conspired together
To take the boy’s life.
Who these men are, Bayek cannot say
But one thing’s for sure
They will all someday pay.
Obscured behind masks and known as The Order
These shadows rule Egypt
From east to west border.
Manipulating the young Pharaoh with cunning and skill
They lie, steal and cheat
And when cornered they kill.
But as they’ll soon see, their power is waning
For Bayek of Siwa’s
An Assassin in training.
And so in a nook
By a brook
In a cathedral of trees
Stalks a hunter of men
At peace with his means
A sword and a shield
His wits and hidden blade
Six lads down to one
When the rest are all slayed.
While it’s true that these five
Are henchmen, no more
Bayek’s hatred is is deep,
Dark, bloody and raw
So while they are naught
But trash mob-type lads
He’s convinced that their deaths
Somehow lead to Big Bads.
Bayek stalks through the trees
And readies his bow
There’s a guard on a tower
And what he doesn’t know
Is there’s arrows flying
Straight for his head
By the time they’re seen coming
He’ll already be dead.
With the lookout gone
It’s easy pickings
The other four guards
Are sleeping like chickens
Passed out in a tent
(It was a long day)
They’re oblivious that death
Is coming their way.
Ascending the tower
That used to be manned
His mission unfolding
Exactly as planned
The flex of a bicep
Raises up a red jar
Conveniently filled
With flammable tar
Placing it gently beside
The still-sleeping chaps
He repeats the process
A couple more laps.
He’s throwing the hottest party
They’ve ever had.
With the woosh of an arrow
Of righteous flame
Our hero is dealing out
Maximum pain.
As the tent fire rages
The lads scream “What the fluff?
We’re on fire and dying
And it’s horrible stuff.
You’re the best, Bayek
We’re all so shook
We sided with bad guys
Oh how we mistook
The Roman conquest of Egypt
For something that’s good
But all it’s brought to your country
Is a whole lot of blood
And now we’re on fire
So we’ll just wish you good luck
Liberating the land
From Italian muck.”
One and all they expire
As Bayek inspects
Their funeral pyre
He makes one for himself
From oil jars in station
Shooting them like before
But for self immolation
He burns in agony
Until he dies
But instead of the end,
The videogame replies:
“I’ll begin you again
Just minutes before
So you can have fun
And play me some more.”
So in a nook by a brook
Sits a man out of time
He sits in his nook
And ponders their crime
Five lads in a clearing
Minding their stuff
Until Bayek of Siwa
Has again had enough.
A lad with an arrow
And four with the embers
He’s done it before
But never remembers
It’s their fifteenth time here
Another rendezvous
Though for our hero Bayek
It always feels new.
But all of a sudden
There comes a great smack
A smack swiftly followed
By a crickety-crack
As they shoot up through Bayek
He feels curious sensations
New perspectives, new knowledge
And new realizations
A furor
In his core
Has he been here before?
As he burns once again
He starts questioning why
Why the player always chooses
That he should die
He’s the hero after all
Alongside Aya his wife
So why’s this always end
With him losing his life?
The problem is Bayek
Doesn’t know of the trophy
A way of showing
Other players we’re worthy
If you do things just right
You’re given a digital pin
And score both a macro
And micro win.
You see, the actual game
Is one of the meta
While they try to “git gud”
And always play better
It’s not so they enjoy
The minute-to-minute
But make a game of the game
And eventually win it
Trophies and gamerscore
Humblebrags in the forum
The gamers need to always
Be proving they’re awesome.
So Bayek goes back
Into the camp
By the nook by the brook
Where it’s warm and damp
And he follows up
On his regular plan
Arrow, fire, and death
By his own hand
As he fades and his health bar
Chips away
He wonders if there’s something
He can do to stay
His recurrent nightmare
That’s oh so sorry
“If only I could pursue
The game’s main story!”
But then a *ping* pops out
Across the whole room
A trophy’s been unlocked
And its name is BOOM!:
[Thirty lads killed with fire jars]
It’s finally done
And with BOOM! comes the fabled
The game is complete
And so is the the player
The bestest of best people:
A videogame slayer!
All locations, missions
And those fluffing elephants
Vantage points, quests
And colosseum entrants
A game that is now 100%
Content empty
They vanquished its challenges
And soaked up its plenty
Bayek, our hero
Is finally is free,
Except for the DLC.
Notes from the editors
Leigh Harrison is a critically acclaimed author and blogger, contemporaneously focused on the intersection of behavioral psychology and videogames. His latest book, My Mom Lives in the Cloud and Other Tales…, explores the pressing issues of societal decline, digital emancipation and the dangers of over-reliance on technology.
His earlier anthologies, Notes from the Tin Can: Good Beer and Good Videogames Never Age Badly and Six for a Fiver: Tales of Discount Living, saw the author explore the medium of videogames through the unique lens of poverty-stricken, alcohol-fueled desperation. His most recent published work, Flower: An EnvirOntological Dissection, was called a “triumph of fanaticism” by The Observer and an “emotionally draining 467 pages of critical commentary” by the Financial Times.
A member of the videogame criterati for almost a decade, Leigh’s playful yet incisive writing has been featured on industry sites such as Kotaku, Gamasutra, VentureBeat and Haywire. He was featured that one time on the New Statesman dot com, and was named one of 2017’s #BestBloggers by Critical Distance. He has been described as a “London-based writer”, someone who “talks a lot about ‘bags of sick and poo’”, and “a good case study”. He lives, as reported, in London, with his wife and their folding bicycles. He is on Twitter.